Foods That Can & Can't Be Consumed While Wearing Braces

It would help if you were always careful while wearing traditional metal braces on your teeth. It would help if you had special attention to give as there are wires and brackets on your teeth. 

Continue to read the blog as you learn what not to eat. The Best Dental Braces Specialist in Guwahati will let you know what you must not consider eating.

Foods you can eat in the first week of braces

After getting the first dental brace, you will only want to eat food that requires a little chewing. It is a common issue. After the days pass, the pressure that braces usually put on your teeth will disappear. The good news is that the pain when you visit the dentist's chamber for adjustments won't be as unpleasant. It will happen if you become used to wearing braces.

Foods like boiled potatoes, shakes, yoghourts, and very soft-boiled rice are recommended to be eaten. These foods are considered to be intaken as they are very soft food. It would help if you continued to stay away from hard-chewing food or any sticky food.

With the braces, the foods can be eaten and not eaten.

  • Pizza: Since you wear dental braces, eating thick crust becomes difficult. If you control your curving for pizza, avoid thick crust over thin crust pizza.
  • French Fries: French fries are soft and are considered safe with metal braces. But avoid the burnt-to-blackened crisp french fries.
  • Chips: You are the best to judge, as the ripple potato chips tend to get harder to chew.
  • Breads: Soft Breads are considered to be the best to eat.
  • Meat: Meat is stringy, and small pieces get easily stuck between teeth. So, if you want to eat meat, you should go for lean and tender meats.
  • Salad: Avoid raw carrots, or else it is considered to be taken.
  • Chocolates or Other candies: Consuming chocolate and several other candies while wearing braces is safe. Nevertheless, you should restrict your chocolate and sticky sweets intake while receiving the treatment. Plaque is an unseen layer of bacteria that likes sugar and is the root cause of cavities and gum disease. Plaque consumes sugar that is left over to create acid that causes cavities.

The Best Dental Braces specialists in Guwahati are with patients to help them with the braces and also guide them with food to eat.
