Is it true that dental implant can boost up your confidence in professional field?

Yes, it is. Going to workplace and performing regular responsibilities of a hectic job is literally overwhelming. This is even more overwhelming and challenging for those with missing teeth. They find it difficult to eat, smile and/or interact with other people at work.  Be it a gap, failing tooth, loose or visible denture or a bridge – each of them can make people feel embarrassed and extremely self-conscious. They often think that their unhealthy teeth may damage their professional prospect, their job performance and confidence level drastically. And this is not wrong to some extent. Yes, bad teeth can somehow affect your professional and even your personal life.

How to get rid of the embarrassment related to bad, unhealthy teeth

Dental implant is the right solution to issues faced by the people suffering from missing teeth. It helps them regain the ease of chewing, eating and smiling while restoring lost self-confidence both at professional and social fields. Implants significantly boost self-esteem as they feel, look and act like natural teeth.

Fundamental of dental implants

Dental implants are actually permanent replacement for missing or falling tooth roots. Titanium post replaces root of tooth while holding replacement teeth like multiple tooth bridges, single crown and/or full dentures. The Implant Centre in Guwahati gets the implant inserted into jaw prior to new teeth are fitted and fused with jawbone through the process known as osseointegration to ensure safe and secure connection or bond between the teeth and surrounding bones. Implant gives the patients a great opportunity to ensure dental health irrespective of how the tooth was lost. Patients having a hard time due to losing teeth, can surely restore their self-confidence while communicating with others, be it on professional field or personal life.

How dental implant boosts up self-esteem
  • No more embarrassment to smile – Researches show that more than 25% employees prefer not to be smiling at work as they are not confident about their dental health. May be they are embarrassed about falling front tooth or any other eminent one. But with dental implant, such falling or infected tooth can be removed and single implant can be placed followed by bone grafting. After 3 months of healing along with wearing a temporary dental bridge, final crown could be fitted to the implant.
  • Implant restores confidence – If you are suffering from the disturbance of missing teeth, it can badly affect your relation and confidence to deal with the colleagues. Many people find it distracting to talk to the co-workers owing to bad teeth. It just ruins their self-confidence. But dental implant can greatly helps improving the situation. There are different types of dental implants done by Implant Centre in Guwahati. Choose a good dentist to apply the right option on you ensuring great oral health.
  • Implant helps patients eat whatever and whenever they want – Eating publicly becomes really awkward for people with lost or missing teeth, bridgework and/or dentures. While eating with the colleagues in the canteen or going out for a lunch with the colleagues or clients, your poor dental health can restrict you from having certain foods and this is really embarrassing. But with dental implant, you can easily overcome this issue.
